Monday, March 18, 2013

Sumner hosts two-day university

Sumner University is unlike any other university in Washington. Classes are held for only two days, students get free text books, tuition is free, and there are no tests.

Over 25 Sumner residents graduated from Sumner University City Hall March 12 and received T-shirts and diplomas. The two day university was held March 5 and 12 at City Hall.

Sumner University is a chance for citizens to learn more about their city.

“We go into depth in topics like traffic or planning or public works.” Carmen Palmer, communications director, said. “These are things they sort of know, but don’t entirely know.”

The first lecture, the history of Sumner, was led by Randy Strozyk, regional CEO of American Medical Response and Ryan Windish, planning manager. Strozyk recalled his childhood growing up in Sumner.
Growing up, Strozyk owned the world. “My dad owned Valley Variety, and I could get free candy whenever I wanted.”

In the ‘60s and ‘70s, “you could walk Main Street and everything you needed was there,” Strozyk said.
Windish covered the history of Sumner.

The city was originally named Stuck Junction. Later it was renamed Franklin. Once the city had a post office, it needed an official name. Several names, including Sumner, were put in a hat and pulled at random.

The next session was split. Students had the option of going to two classes that were held at the same time.

Sumner University students didn't need to worry about registering for classes – they just walked into the class they were interested in. Students had the opportunity to learn about this history of policing or animal control.

Brad Moericke, chief of police, opening the history of policing class by offering everyone donuts.

“Help yourself to some donuts and immerse yourself in police culture,” Moericke said. He then discussed the history of policing and the Sumner police department.

The Sumner Police Department made 615 arrests in 2012. They also had 2 formal complaints that year.
After those the split sessions, the University got together for a session about community development and public works.

The following week, the class came back together to learn about city government, how communication has changed and how it affects the city, and what the city does to increase quality of life.

The last session of Sumner University was to teach the city staff members and the city council. Students broke into four groups and discussed why Sumner is great, and what it can improve on.

The students at Sumner University said they liked the events the city hosts, that Sumner in a “walk-able” city and the accessibility of city officials.

All four groups said traffic needs to be improved. One group said there should be more lighting around the schools, another complained about congestion in town. Other groups wanted more parking in town.

Paul Rogerson, community development director, said, “Sally [Abrams] is the heart and soul of Sumner University.”

Sally Abrams, administrative specialist, does most of the behind-the-scene work. She makes sure all the speakers are available and works with scheduling.

“It’s fun to do, people get a lot out of Sumner University,” Abrams said.

The next Sumner University will be held in 2015. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Students explore career options, meet CEO of Alaska AirlinesS

SEATTLE - Career Connections hosted its first On-The-Road Experience for students Feb. 22. Students had the choice of touring Alaska Airlines or World Vision. Afterward, they attended an alumni networking event.
Three van loads of students toured Alaska Airlines where they were greeted by two alumni, including CEO, Brad Tilden '83. When Tilden entered the lobby, he greeted all of his employees by name. Tilden, who lived in Pflueger, Hinderlie and Tinglestad, said he received a fantastic education at Pacific Lutheran University and loved its approach on vocation and education.
 Vocation is exactly the reason Phil McKinney’ 13, psychology major, went to Alaska Airlines.
“I’m looking for a direction to take when I look for a job,” McKinney said.
Like McKinney, nearly every other student there was a senior looking for their next step in life.
Tilden promised that PLU prepares its students for this step. Don't expect to be the CEO of a company coming out of college, but PLU students are prepped to take the next step, he said. “Then, you will put your education to work.”
The purpose of touring Alaska Airlines and World Vision was “to expose students to different career opportunities and paths,”said Bobbi Hughes, executive director of Career Connections.
“This was very successful in terms of interest,” Hughes said. “I would anticipate more of these in the future.”
More students were interested in going than Career Connections could accommodate.
At Alaska Airlines, there are many job opportunities in many different fields, including human resources, computer science, marketing, and communication.
Gary Peterson, maintenance supervisor, led the students on a tour of the Alaska Airlines hangar. Students explored the ins and outs of a plane. They sat in the cockpit, looked in the engines and checked out the area where animals are kept during flight.
Peterson then led the students to various other rooms and workshops, telling some humorous tales of Alaska Airlines.
“As far as I know, we are the only airline to report a fish in the engine,” Peterson said. A bald eagle dropped a fish in the engine while escaping death.
When the tour was over, Keith Dussell, diversity and inclusion and PLU alumnus, told of internship opportunities at Alaska Airlines.
The internships varied in fields. Many students could find a good fitting internship at Alaska Airlines. The benefits that go along with these internships were one of Dussell’s selling points. He told of a trip to Europe and back that cost just over $200. The other selling point was the people that work there. Tilden asked several employees why they like working there, and most of them said, “The people.”
Alaska Airlines is offering 38 internships this summer and is accepting applications online for the first few weeks of March, depending on each position.
Being a Lute can have its advantages; Dussell gave every student his business card.
“Those people at University of Puget Sound didn’t even get my business card,” Dussell said. “We hardly let them in the front door.”